The Ins And Outs of the Process of Relocating Your Trees
Ever wondered the trick of relocating your Trees? Professional Tree Services do such a great job at tree relocation that they make it look easy. In snowboarding - we call this the trick behind the trick. Throwing a clean 360 off a 40 foot kicker is the trick, but what's the trick to actually land the 360 trick? Let's not get off-topic! Now let Kleber C's Danbury Tree Service reveal the trick behind the trick of relocating your trees perfectly.
If you have a cherished tree that you’ve found a better location for, the good news is that relocating is possible. It is crucial that you have the process done correctly, if you want the tree to survive this stressful procedure. This must be done properly in order for your tree to continue flourishing and living many more healthy years.
Follow these guidelines for tree relocation that will make the process a successful one.
Don’t Move an Unhealthy Tree
If you have a tree that is unhealthy and not thriving, relocating will most likely be more than the tree can handle. It will probably not survive. It is important to only move trees that are healthy and have no signs of being stressed, such as leaning, co-dependent trunks or mushrooms growing at the base of the tree.
Timing is Important
Move your tree during its dormant season. Early spring or late fall are the best times for the tree.
Choose the Right Location
A relocated tree needs to adjust to its new location. Be familiar with the needs of your particular tree species before moving and be aware of the conditions surrounding the new designated spot. Are you considering a shady area for your tree that thrives in full sunlight? Will the existing plants do well under the relocated tree?
What Size Should the New Hole Be?
The main mass of roots at the base of a tree is called the root ball. When digging your new hole, it should be twice the width of the root ball, and not quite as deep. Pay attention to this step because it helps prevent puddling and rotting.
Don’t Dig Too Deep
It doesn’t help tree roots to dig deeper in the new hole. Instead, it can cause the tree to sink and possibly begin rotting. Dig the recommended amount for the size of your tree’s root ball.
Prepare the New Designated Area
Don’t dig up your tree until the new hole is prepared. Its best chances for a successful relocation are when you can immediately replant the roots.
Do It Right
It is imperative that your tree is planted correctly in order for it to survive and thrive in its new location.
Water but Don’t Fertilize
You want your tree to flourish in its new location. After you’ve replanted the tree, keep it well hydrated. Relocation is stressful on the tree, and not getting enough water increases the stress. Keep the soil around the tree moist.
While giving your tree fertilizer may seem like a positive move, doing so in the first year of its transplant can actually harm the tree. Give the tree time to become acclimated to its new location. The nitrogen in fertilizer can burn your tree. You can add a layer of mulch but keep it from touching the base of the tree.
Taking the proper steps to relocate a tree give the tree its best chance at successful replanting. Careless planning and execution are the cause of many failed attempts of replanting trees.